Thursday, March 22, 2012


"Barack Hussein Obama has got to GO!"

I came across this post Published by TexasFred.  It talks about our Mr. President, Barack Obama.  I find it actually quite entertaining because it can either be taken seriously or not.  It's kind of a persuasive type of article/post.  If you take a look inside the post, you can see that it lists up to thirty-one reasons why Barack Obama must flee away.  Reading this post, you can clearly see how strongly the author "dislikes" the President.  The picture does his message justice because it shows the President burning the Constitution.  Americans would definitely take that offensively.

My two favorite quote of all from TexasFred : "Do YOU want a President that will rule by Executive Order? One that will ignore the will of We, The People and declare Martial Law for NO REASON, simply so he can suspend the rights and laws that we enjoy under the U.S. Constitution and rule by Executive Fiat?"

"Ask yourself this; do I want a President that WILL destroy America?"

If you ask yourself that, of course you'd say no.   Why on Earth would anybody want that?  It's a simple yet critical question.  That question would definitely bring an up rise amongst us Americans.  The author just points out blatantly on how Obama should just...  go away and he does it quite well.